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Age Calculator

How old are you? Learn your age, to the day, hour, minute or second with this Age Calculator by Math Cats.

A+ Research & Writing

Before you can start writing, you have to explore the subject to find a topic, locate relevant information, analyze the issues and organize your arguments. These activities take more time and require different skills than the final step—writing the paper. A+ Research & Writing's step by step section will guide you through this process from getting the assignment to writing the paper.

Big Cats

Lions, tigers, and other big cats occupy a special place in the human imagination as beautiful, graceful, and dangerous. But these top predators have more to fear from humans than humans do from them. Many of these once-prolific species are endangered from poaching, territory loss, and climate change. Learn about these vital creatures through the resources in this collection.

Bill Nye: The Science Guy

Bill Nye, scientist, engineer, comedian, author, and inventor, is a man with a mission: to help foster a scientifically literate society, to help people everywhere understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work . Making science entertaining and accessible is something Bill has been doing most of his life.

BLS: What Do You Like?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Web site provides introductory career information for students. Most of the material on the site has been adapted from the Bureau's Occupational Outlook Handbook—a career guidance publication for adults and upper-level high school students that describes the job duties, working conditions, training requirements, earnings levels, and employment prospects of hundreds of occupations.

California Apprenticeships

The California Apprenticeship Coordinators Association maintains a website with a wealth of information about apprenticeships.

CA Parents' Rights

Information for parents and family members about becoming involved in the education of their children. Includes the legal rights of California parents to participate in their children's education and special information parents of students with special needs.

CIA World Factbook

The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Our Reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map.

College Source

CollegeSource Online is a database of over 150,000 digital college catalogs, institution profiles, transcript keys, and other critical resources.

Great Women in History

At the National Women’s Hall of Fame, our mission all day, every day is “Showcasing great women…Inspiring all!” We are achieving our mission in a variety of ways while preserving our historical roots through the induction of great women into the Hall of Fame.

History of Money

What is money? By definition, it's something of value. But over the last 10,000 years, the material form that money has taken has changed considerably—from cattle and cowrie shells to today's electronic currency. Here, get an overview of the history of money.

History of the Holidays

Holidays, whether somber or jovial, are a time for families and communities to come together, commemorate historic events and usher in the seasons. Holidays are often a time to reconnect with friends and family. Did you know that Americans send over 1.5 billion Christmas cards and 150 million Valentine's Day cards annually? Whether sacred or secular, every celebration has its own unique story. Discover the history behind the holidays.

How Many Animals Are There?

There is something amazing about being outside and seeing how many different animals, insects, birds, fish, and more are actually present in our world.

Khan Academy

You only have to know one thing: You can learn anything. Math. Science and Engineering. Economics. Computing. Arts and the Humanities. Start learning now at Khan Academy.

Laerning Styles

Students learn in many ways, like seeing, hearing, and experiencing things first hand . But for most students, one of these methods stands out. Why is this important? research has shown that students can perform better on tests if they change study habits to fit their own personal Learning Styles.

Middle Class Scholarship

The Middle Class Scholarship is for undergraduates and students pursuing a teaching credential with family assets and income up to $217,000.

Plagiarism Tutorial

Plagiarism is a common (and often misunderstood) problem that is often the result of a lack of knowledge and skills. Our mission is to support the education community with a comprehensive set of resources to help students write with integrity.


Purplemath's algebra lessons are informal in their tone, and are written with the struggling student in mind. Don't worry about overly-professorial or confusing language! These math lessons emphasize the practicalities rather than the technicalities, demonstrating dependably helpful techniques, warning of likely "trick" test questions, and pointing out common student mistakes.


Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your own word lists.


Scout from University of California is a full-service online learning platform for high school students interested in Advanced Placement, Honors, credit recovery, or “a-g” college prep courses. Scout will help students on their road to graduation and provide them with a rigorous course of study that will prepare them for college. Scout’s courses are approved by the College Board and University of California, where applicable.

U.S. Population Clock

The U.S . & World Population Clock shows a series of projections for the resident population of the United States and throughout the world . This includes people whose usual residence is in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. These projections do not include members of the Armed Forces overseas, their dependents, or other U.S . citizens residing outside the United States.

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

Students who are residents of WICHE states are eligible to request a reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state. WUE members include: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Writing: The Process

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue . Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.

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